Just Take A Lorazepam And You’ll Be Fine

If there’s anything that I can take away from this entire experience it is that the military has allowed me to find a joy in traveling.

Before I was exposed to this military lifestyle, I had only minimal travel experience. I’ve always lived in Maine so naturally I have travelled throughout most of New England but I never strayed off too far from home. I new that once he had left for bootcamp the next time I would be able to see him was at his graduation ceremony in  Chicago, Illinois on October 26th. I had never been on a plane and I had never traveled without my family so this was going to be quite the journey for me.

Oh Money, Money $$

Flying was a new experience, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had thought it out to be. I had flown with his side of the family and knowing I had never flown before, they made it as easy as they possibly could for me. The only downside is that flying can get costly and I am a full time college student (college = broke).

After his graduation ceremony in Chicago, he was immediately sent to Charleston, South Carolina to the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command where he would learn how to engineer nuclear reactors.

The first time I flew by myself was when I went to see him in Charleston over my Spring Break. This flight was much easier than the first because I wasn’t traveling with his family ? and second, I was traveling next to other students also on Spring Break. ?

The Journey So Far..

Navy Timeline