Love is going to Chuck E Cheese’s and taking our ‘sibling photo’ so that our grandma could hang it in her garage on the “wall of fame” with all the other photos my relatives had taken at Chuck E Cheese’s. These photos still hang today and each time we walk into my grandmother’s garage we find ourselves reminiscing about these memories.
For maximum enjoyment please refer to the rather ‘toothless’ grin made by my younger self in the photo next to my two brothers. At least my mom thought I was cute. Sadly, this Chuck E Cheese’s is now closed, but I will always remember the family memories created there. Oh and the nightmares from hiding from the Chucky the mouse.
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My siblings and I just loved going to Chuck E Cheese's and taking our traditional 'Cheese' photo for grandma to hang in the garage!— mikaela (@mikaelalittlefi) June 21, 2019