The star of this masterpiece is named Leo, he is a rather large Maine-Coon cat who thoroughly enjoys his food. Inthis image he is giving me “the look” because it is dinner time and I am taking too long to feed him as I am watching the Bruins game. Clearly he is not impressed. I decided to make a meme out of Leo because I just happened to gaze over and there he was, looking as though he was about to change the channel if I didn’t get up and feed him his supper. Clearly all 15 pounds of him looks absolutely starved and deprived. It’s not like he has an entire couch to himself and a pillow to lean against *sigh* life can be so terribly difficult for a cat who is loved immensely.

All joking aside, Leo is a character and always seems to be in the right place at the right time.  He always seems to have a different expression for each moment, which made him a perfect candidate for “What’s that Meme”. I enjoyed this particular assignment as it allowed me to be creative with one of the few animals that will always have a place in my heart. I was also able to learn a couple of new things along the way that I hadn’t known before and who knows, maybe I’ll be making more memes in the future.
