Humming “The Eye of the Tiger”

When first reading the assignment description I thought that making a GIF would be difficult. To be honest, the most difficult part of this assignment was picking a movie scene that I loved and that others would recognize. I truly enjoyed this assignment and actually found it to be a lot of fun.

The iconic movie scene I chose was from the movie Rocky. In this scene, Rocky Balboa is running up the steps leading to the east entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In all of the Rocky movies you can find Rocky Balboa  running up these iconic steps and eventually a statue of Rocky himself is placed at the top of these steps, symbolizing his achievements. I remember watching all of these movies with my parents while growing up. After watching this short clip, I can’t seem to get “The Eye of the Tiger” song out of my head.

I definitely recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen these movies to bing out this weekend (after finishing all of your homework of course)..
