Just Go With It

Category: Collaboration

Disaster Nursing

The most important immediate response of a nurse during a disaster is to activate the disaster plan in their hospital. This includes triaging patients, coordinating evacuations, and communicating effectively with other healthcare providers. Perhaps one of the most important factors when it comes to any emergency situation is maintaining organization and teamwork, which is seen in The Story of Hurricane Sandy and NYU Medical Center. 

Although nurses have a duty to care for their patients, it should not extend to the point where a nurse must feel as though they must negate their own needs for that of others. Situations in which a nurse may be faced with making a decision that prioritizes themselves or their patients include mass casualty events in which triaging becomes necessary, or if a scenario warrants that only one person may survive. It is the decision-making process of the nurse that needs to be refined to deal with emergency situations. All nurses should be trained in emergency preparedness, as it is unknown when these situations may occur and this training may help prevent a nurse from having to struggle between the code of ethics and their duty to self. However, nurses must also recognize the power that they hold from the viewpoint of their patients. A patient has a strong reliance and trust in their nurse to do what they believe is best. If a nurse decides to choose themselves over their patients, how will patients be able to trust not only nurses but the healthcare team? In these situations, we must remember that no single life is more important than another, it simply must come down to the professional opinion of the nurse to decide which life is more viable at that moment.

Al Harthi, M., Al Thobaity, A., Al Ahmari, W., & Almalki, M. (2020). Challenges for Nurses in Disaster Management: A Scoping Review. Risk management and healthcare policy, 13, 2627–2634. https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S279513

The Marginalization of Veterans in America

Veterans are often victims of silent discrimination because they are perceived as damaged individuals due to their wartime experiences. Many times, their services go unnoticed and unappreciated and can be met with disdain for their roles in controversial conflicts. Nurses can serve as advocates for this population by recognizing these disparities and providing just and quality care. 

What is a vulnerable population?

  • Social groups of people with an increased risk of health problems

Veterans as Damaged and Forgotten Individuals

  • Veteran sues state corrections alleging discrimination

Health Care Needs

  • Mental Health Services
  • Trauma Related Injuries

Resources & Services for Veterans

  • VA Hospitals
  • Building Homes for Heroes
  • Tunnels to Towers
  • Military Child Care
  • Woven Women Veteran Network

Important Numbers for Veterans

  • Readjustment Counseling Service Combat Call Center
  • Veterans Crisis Line

Ethical Principles

  • Justice
  • Autonomy

Legal Rights

  • Americans With Disabilities Act
  • Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014

Nurse’s Role

  • Collective Bargaining
  • Patient Advocacy


Death With Dignity

Everyone is going to die, it’s just a matter of when and how. Every day, people choose whether they want to live. My opinion of death with dignity is that it allows an individual to have autonomy over their life. If someone no longer wants to live, they’ll find a way regardless of the law. My belief has always been quality over quantity because otherwise, what’s the point. 

Death with dignity does not challenge my beliefs of the first ethical principle of nursing. I believe that the purpose of a nurse is to promote a healthy lifestyle and to improve health. Despite the great lengths that nurses go to to help avoid a patients’ deterioration in the hospital, it happens, especially in cases in which a patient is immobile or comatose. I feel like a nurse would be doing a great disservice to their patients to believe or promote life when it is no longer feasible. Nurses can not always improve life and when they can’t, they should promote comfort and autonomy. Although I agree with the death with dignity act, it doesn’t come without its complications. At what point can it be determined that someone is within their mental capacity to consent to physician-assisted death.

Smith, M. A., Torres, L., Burton, T. C. (2020). Patient Rights at the End of Life. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 25(2), 77-84.

Electronic Health Records

I think the electronic health record is a productive way of attaining a thorough health history of a patient, especially in instances in which a patient is unresponsive. The electronic health record improves efficiency between hospitals- no need to track down and contact the hospital for records. 

Health Info Net is an organization that allows health care providers to access patient information from any hospital that a patient has visited or been admitted to in the state of Maine. The way in which health information is accessed is called the Health Information Exchange (HIE). Health Info Net was incorporated in 2006 and since then has been advocating for patient care by combining health information from unaffiliated healthcare organizations to create a single electronic health record, the HIE (HealthInfoNet 2021). This health record is accessed by providers across the state of Maine in order to provide better patient care. The health information exchange improves communication between providers and helps prevent pertinent information from being overlooked or forgotten. The HIE improves nursing care by providing a patient history that nurses can refer to when providing patient care. 

As a nurse, knowing that the notes and data that I record will be embedded into a single health record, I will want to make sure that what I am recording is as accurate and detailed as possible. This exchange allows for quick access to previous assessments and could allow me to trend vital signs and labs from the previous data and compare them to current data. Prior health history can be critical in determining the path a patient is heading towards and helping to prevent it.

Bearor, S., Yeo-Fisher, N. (2021). Maine’s Health Information Exchange. [Powerpoint Slides]

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma exposure, whether experienced as a child or an adult, has the ability to create a lasting impact on someone’s life just by the way the situation was handled or the events leading up to the trauma. Trauma can cause long-lasting psychological effects, such as anxiety and PTSD. If the trauma had caused a physical malformation, it may be more difficult to move forward in life. Spiritually, individuals may believe that they deserved the trauma, that their higher power had intended it for them. Victims of environmental traumas such as hurricanes or tornados may fear specific regions that are more likely to experience those weather events. Overall, traumas can impact our ability to form relationships, or to even maintain them. Some may fear leaving their home and some are not allowed to leave, especially in instances of domestic violence. The inability to develop new relationships or maintain current ones can lead to isolation which is neither healthy for the body or mind.

An adverse childhood experience is a traumatic or negative event that specifically happens to individuals as young as a newborn to seventeen years of age. Long term impacts of adverse childhood experiences immediately predispose adolescents to the risk of substance use problems, mental illness and chronic health conditions. As well as the potential for the adolescent to continue the trauma they experienced into adulthood. 

As a future nurse, it is important to remember that every patient, whether a victim of trauma or not, deserves respect. One of the first things a nurse should do, and perhaps the most important things to do, is to establish trust and rapport with the patient and family members, if applicable. As a nurse, I will have to investigate the impact of trauma on my patient while maintaining respect and establishing boundaries. I must also be aware that it’s okay to ask direct questions about trauma, as it is unlikely that those questions will send them reeling back into the trauma.

Public Health and Vulnerable Populations

Public health nurses are an elite group of individuals whose purpose is to integrate themselves into their communities and act as resources and educators specifically for vulnerable and marginalized populations. Their role is all-encompassing, which also includes new Mainers and asylum seekers. These nurses bear witness to the impact of the opioid crisis and gun violence on families and their communities. These individuals fall into a category known as vulnerable populations and this is because these communities are more susceptible to violence and abuse due to low socioeconomic status. Community health nurses watch as families are torn apart and kids orphaned as parents find themselves bound to their chemical addiction. These nurses are also responders of the climate crisis. As temperatures rise, individuals find themselves struggling to not only stay cool but to also afford it. Nurses are privy to these issues because more people are seeking treatment for heat stroke, sun burns, and dehydration. 

The social determinates of health are economic and social conditions that influence the health status of individuals. From high-income to low-income communites, there is a clear disparity in health due to the ability to not only access care but to also afford it. This disparity is predominant in low-income communities comprised primarily of African Americans and is influenced by a history of racism and continues to be an issue as our past has led to a mistrust of future care. Culturally, some medical conditions are not seen as a condition at all, they are simply a spiritual connection (Hmong). Often times western medicine is regarded as the standard of care, and from this arises the issue of when medical intervention is warranted. This is because of the varying expectations of individuals of different nationalities, cultures, and religions as western medicine may not be their idea of medicine. 

Strategies for improving the health of vulnerable and marginalized populations would be adequate access to healthcare, affordable healthcare, and education. Individuals should be aware that emergency rooms cannot be utilized for check-ups and to combat this, clinics need to be made available in these areas. However, this isn’t so easy as clinics require manpower and currently there is a lack of healthcare workers. There is where education can play a powerful role in preventing recurrent healthcare visits. If these individuals can be made aware of the lifestyles that put them at risk for health conditions, they could make the changes to live a healthier life (i.e. no smoking, minimal alcohol, exercise). 

To manage the care of an individual who lives and/or has different beliefs than I do requires that I hold myself accountable and refrain from judgment. It requires that I am well-rounded and well-informed of the communities around me and that I have effective communication skills.

Final Reflection

What I have learned from the team project is that nursing requires collaboration and equal contribution from each member. I’ve also learned that nurses can be the pioneers of composing or enforcing new skills that can contribute to patient care. It is also important to recognize that instituting new guidelines into large corporate-run hospitals can be a difficult task and requires persistence, which I think is a trait that all nurses should have. Quality improvement projects not only seek to contribute to patient care but to also protect those of whom providing the patient care by giving them the best resources available to provide that care effectively. I think I am a strong resource in analyzing articles and being able to find the qualities that make the article relevant and qualities that may work against it (such as sample size, longevity of study, etc..) Overall, as a team member I believe I bring good perspective, am reliant, and feel as though the group I worked with to accomplish this paper would willingly work with me again.

Appraisal and Synthesis

From developing and researching our PICOT question, I have gained an acute awareness of the worldwide crisis of maternal mortality. Our findings have shown that of all industrialized countries, the United States ranks last for the effective management of maternal mortality. This is, in partial, due to the lack of developed protocols and the trepidation of hospitals to take it on. Hospitals may be apprehensive to take on the implementation of maternal hemorrhage protocols, also referred to as safety bundles, because of lack of appropriate studies, funding, and resources, or is not a large maternity hospital. Our analysis of many studies found that utilizing maternal hemorrhage protocols did not change the outcome of maternal mortality. However, we did find evidence that the ways in which these studies were performed contained limitations and are in need of multiple study replications. Due to there being one maternal health to 100,000 births, this would need to be formatted as a large-scale longitudinal study to ultimately determine if safety bundles would effective. As a future nurse, I think I would be more confident having set guidelines if a emergent situation were to occur. Yet, there is always a possibility that a patient may not meet the protocol guideline requirements and in those instances it would be up to the physicican to determine the appropriate care.

Team challenges included formatting the synthesis portion and maintaining a ‘one voice’ kind of writing style. Ultimately, our group worked well together and maintained an open dialogue that helped us turn our draft in on time.

Developing PICOT…

Since choosing our PICOT question, my group and I quickly found it challenging to find relevant data articles pertaining specifically to our question. Upon this discovery, we had attempted to alter our question and try to make it less specific to a population. We actually found our altered question to be more difficult to work with (in terms of finding articles) and we were overall unhappy with what our question had morphed into. Therefore, we changed our question again yet still utilizing the same theme. Now, our question is more oriented towards safety and less towards population disparities. Now finding research articles is much easier and the articles that we do find have data that differs from the other and we are able to discern the pros and cons of each study. There were numerous times throughout the question making process that we all felt overwhelmed. I think what ultimately set us straight was being able to converse with eachother in class and narrowing down what we all felt would be an interesting topic to research.

I have a great team to work with. We’re all flexible and willing to work around each other’s schedules. Fortunately, we all really like the new PICOT question we are working with and I think that also makes it easier to work in conjunction with one another. We all recognize the importance of each of our classes and our willingness to do well in school ultimately makes this group effective together. 

The Journey of PICOT

I am in a group with 2 other individuals, one of whom I know from clinical and the other I have yet to get to know. Our communication skills have been successful so far in terms of planning out time to meet and form our question. We will hold ourselves accountable via the honor system. As adults who wish to pursue careers in nursing, we need to be able to look upon ourselves to get our tasks done. In the real world, no one is going to do our work for us and no employer will keep us if we fail to do so.

As individuals with different opinions and interests, we will need to formulate a question that we all find interest in. As a collaborative project, this may pose some conflicts as we need to ask a question that we all find important and will enjoy researching further. We will narrow down common interests and continue to do so until we come to a conclusion of an appropriate, yet clinically relevant PICOT question.

In future nursing practice, communication and teamwork is vital. Our ability to work with others will be reflected in the composure of this composition. My hope is that we will all be responsible for our own actions and contribute to this assignment with equivalence.
