Since choosing our PICOT question, my group and I quickly found it challenging to find relevant data articles pertaining specifically to our question. Upon this discovery, we had attempted to alter our question and try to make it less specific to a population. We actually found our altered question to be more difficult to work with (in terms of finding articles) and we were overall unhappy with what our question had morphed into. Therefore, we changed our question again yet still utilizing the same theme. Now, our question is more oriented towards safety and less towards population disparities. Now finding research articles is much easier and the articles that we do find have data that differs from the other and we are able to discern the pros and cons of each study. There were numerous times throughout the question making process that we all felt overwhelmed. I think what ultimately set us straight was being able to converse with eachother in class and narrowing down what we all felt would be an interesting topic to research.
I have a great team to work with. We’re all flexible and willing to work around each other’s schedules. Fortunately, we all really like the new PICOT question we are working with and I think that also makes it easier to work in conjunction with one another. We all recognize the importance of each of our classes and our willingness to do well in school ultimately makes this group effective together.
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