Just Go With It

Nursing Modules 1 + 2

In Module 1, Nursing Concepts, I learned that nurse competency is something that is built upon through education and experience. Each stage demonstrates new learning and the ability to improve upon newly learned skills. It’s also critical to acknowledge that nurse competency also factors in the nurses ability to work with others, such as other healthcare providers. Interdisciplinary collaboration is critical to achieving patient-centered care and allowing that patient to have utilization of the best quality of healthcare. In the future, this will allow me to recognize that nurses, although they do a large amount of patient care, are not the only individuals whose goal is to better the quality of life for a patient. Hopefully this will aid me to reach out for help if I’m ever overwhelmed.

In Module 2, Testing and Remediation, I hadn’t realized that there was such a thing as a positively or negatively worded questions. From the Test Taking Strategies portion I can now narrow down the answer in a multiple choice question by picking out key words in a question and eliminating the obvious incorrect responses. This will benefit me throughout nursing school as I can utilize these test taking strategies in other courses. In the nursing career this strategy will also help identify which patient should be seen first and hopefully help increase quality of care and efficiency in the work place.

1 Comment

  1. Susan Goran

    Nice job with the reflection; I am confident the test taking strategies will be very helpful throughout your program. Love the picture of you and your dog…you both look pretty happy!

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